Category: Uncategorized

How young people can buy

Only 55 per cent of Millennials aged between 25-39 own their home whereas at the same age, 70 per cent of the Baby Boomers owned their own home in 1991 and 65 per cent of Gen X owned their own home in 2006. This demographic shift in home ownership may be representative of the fact…

Cash is King

What really gets up my Mum’s nose is when she sees a sign saying ‘Surcharge for debit cards #%’. Then, when she wants to pay cash, they say “Sorry, we don’t take cash”. Ironically I wrote about this recently, that tenants must now have an option to pay without extra charge. Mum would love to…

What is Hummingbird House? Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice, and one of only three children’s hospices in Australia. They provide specialised paediatric palliative care services to children and young people with a life-limiting condition, helping them make the most of every precious moment they have. How will your donation help?Your donation, large or…

Cush for Comment April 21st

Market Insights from the guy with the gavel Haesley Cush The state government is rolling out their fifth round of reforms in four years to property management. But again nothing that seems to address the housing in this ”housing crisis”! There are 50,000 people waiting for public housing, hundreds of applications on available properties and…

14 bathroom vanity ideas

Photographed by Nicole Franzen and interior design by Thomas Melhorn Architecture & Construction. From a Florida home embracing the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi Vanities—the catch-all term that encompasses the sink, bench and cabinetry—are arguably the most practical part of a bathroom. They’re a place for storage, an area for primping and preening, and, more often than not, the bathroom’s…