Landscape Design Trends emerging for 2024

Landscape design trends are ever evolving, and as we approach 2024 homeowners, architects and landscape professionals are eager to incorporate new & innovative elements into their outdoor spaces. One of the exciting development in landscape design is the emergence of unconventional materials, developing smart technology as well as the reemergence of breeze blocks. In this blog post, we’ll explore how these elements are shaping the landscape design trends for 2024 and how you can incorporate them into your outdoor projects.

Outdoor Art Installations: Artistry In The Garden

Incorporating art into landscape design is an emerging trend for 2024. Whether it is sculptures, mosaics or murals, art adds a unique and personal touch to your outdoor environment. Art installations can serve as focal points, conversation starters or simple as aesthetically pleasing elements that enhance the beauty of the space.

Photo by Etica Studio –

Photo by Clearwater Landscape & Nursery –


Vertical Gardens & Living Walls

As outdoor spaces become more limited in urban areas, vertical gardens and living walls have emerged as a creative solution. These structures can include everything from vertical herb gardens to elaborate living walls adorned with a variety of plants. Vertical gardens not only look stunning but also provide natural insulation and improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. This trend offers a unique way to integrate nature into small or unconventional spaces, creating a beautiful and healthy environment in the process.

Images from Vertical Gardens Australia

Caring for vertical gardens is essential to maintain their vibrant and lush appearance. Regular maintenance is key, and here are some product recommendations from trusted brands like Yates, Amgrow, Brunnings, and Charlie Carp to help you keep your vertical garden in its prime.

To start, it’s crucial to provide your vertical garden with the proper nutrients. Consider using a balanced liquid fertilizer, such as Yates Thrive, to promote healthy growth and lush foliage. Amgrow’s All-Purpose Plant Food is another excellent choice for providing essential nutrients. Additionally, to prevent the buildup of pests or diseases, regularly inspect your vertical garden and employ suitable pesticides or fungicides from Brunnings or Yates as needed. Finally, a high-quality liquid seaweed solution, like Charlie Carp, can enhance your vertical garden’s resilience to environmental stresses and promote robust, natural growth. By combining these products with consistent care, you can ensure that your vertical garden thrives and remains a stunning focal point in your outdoor space.

Breeze Blocks: The Versatile Dividers

Breeze blocks, also known as screen blocks or architectural blocks are hollow blocks typically made out of concrete with decorative cut out patterns. Historically popular in mid-century modern architecture, they are making a strong comeback in 2024 as versatile and eye-catching additions to landscape designs.

These blocks offer several advantages in landscape design

Privacy: Breeze blocks can be used as decorative screens to create private areas in your garden or patio while still allowing light and air to pass through

Visual Interest: The geometric and intricate designs of breeze blocks add visual interest and a touch of nostalgia to modern outdoor spaces

Plant Support: Use breeze blocks as a unique foundation for climbing plants and vines to create a green wall effect

To incorporate breeze blocks into your landscape design, consider using them as retaining walls, decorative dividers or even as garden art. Their patterns,textures & colours can be customized to match your design preferences adding a unique touch to your outdoor space.

Images from SABdrain

Intentional Outdoor Entertaining Areas

Outdoor living spaces are becoming more integral to modern homes. In 2024, the trend is to design inviting areas that extend the functionality of your home into your yard. These spaces are perfect for entertaining guests, hosting family gatherings, or simply enjoying a cozy evening by the fire.

Key elements of these entertainment areas include outdoor kitchens, complete with cooking facilities, sinks, and countertops, allowing you to prepare meals while enjoying the fresh air. Fire pits, whether they are wood-burning or gas-powered, create an intimate atmosphere and extend the usability of your space into the cooler months. Comfortable seating arrangements, often designed with durability and style in mind, offer the perfect spot to unwind with friends and family. The beauty of this trend is that it transforms your outdoor space into a multifunctional oasis that you’ll want to enjoy year-round.

Outdoor entertainment areas have gained substantial inspiration from popular TV shows like “The Block.” As viewers witness the stunning outdoor transformations on the show, homeowners across the world are increasingly drawn to the idea of creating their own functional and stylish outdoor havens. The Block’s emphasis on outdoor kitchens, cozy fire pits, and comfortable seating arrangements has not only set new design standards but also demonstrated how these spaces can be ideal for relaxation, entertainment, and family bonding. The show’s influence is evident in the surge of homeowners seeking to replicate the sophistication and comfort of the outdoor areas featured on “The Block” in their own residences.

Outdoor areas as seen on The Block. Images from The Block Shop

Pollinator Gardens

In a bid to support declining bee & butterfly populations, pollinator gardens are on the rise. These gardens feature an array of nectar-rich plants, native species and specific habitats to attract and sustain pollinators contributing to biodiversity and a healthier ecosystem

Image from Fine Gardening

Image from Architectural Digest

Creating and nurturing a pollinator garden is not only a beautiful addition to your outdoor space but also an essential contribution to biodiversity. To establish a thriving pollinator garden, consider products from respected brands like Yates and Amgrow. Start by selecting a mix of nectar-rich, native plants and flowers. Yates offers a variety of flower and herb seeds, including bee and butterfly-friendly varieties. To encourage robust growth and flowering, use a quality fertilizer like Amgrow’s All-Purpose Plant Food. Additionally, to protect your pollinators and plants from pests and diseases, employ eco-friendly pesticides and fungicides from Yates. Regular watering and mulching with organic materials can help maintain a moist, weed-free environment, providing the best conditions for your pollinators. With these products and care, your pollinator garden will flourish, attracting bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects while contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

Low Maintenance Landscaping: Beauty With Ease

In our fast paced world, many homeowners are seeking low maintenance landscaping options. This trend involves using easy to care for plants, hardscapes that require minimal upkeep and materials that resist wear & tear. Artificial turf has become a popular choice, offering the look of lush grass without the need for constant mowing and watering. Gravel as a low maintenance ground cover reduced the need for weeding and is perfect for modern and minimalist landscapes. Furthermore, low maintenance plant sections include species that require minimal watering and pruning. These choices not only save time and effort but also create a serene and welcoming outdoor environment.

Photo by Giulietti Schouten Weber Architects –

Photo by Sam Crawford Architects –

Native Wildlife Habitats

Landscapes are becoming more wildlife friendly with the inclusion of birdhouses, bat boxes and insect hotels. These features attract a variety of beneficial creatures promoting natural pest control and biodiversity.

Sustainable Landscaping: A Greener Future

In 2024, sustainable landscaping practices continue to gain traction. This trend involves native plants, drought resistant species and environmentally friendly materials. Rain gardens, green roofs and xeriscaping (landscaping designed to reduce or eliminate the nee for irrigation) are becoming popular. This trend not only conserves resources but also attracts wildlife and promotes biodiversity in your outdoor space.

Rain gardens are carefully designed to capture and manage rainwater to prevent runoff and soil erosion. They not only conserve water but also attract wildlife contributing to the promotion of biodiversity in your very own backyard. Green roofs, covered in vegetation, provide insulation and help reduce energy consumption, making them both practical and visually appealing. Xeriscaping, a landscaping technique designed to minimize the need for irrigation, incorporates drought tolerant plants and materials that thrive in arid conditions. These eco conscious approaches not only conserve precious resources but also reduce maintenance efforts.

Image from RAA architects

Decorative Drainage Grates

Decorative grates are emerging as a trend in landscape design. Artful & functional; the grates offer a dual purpose, combining efficient water management with aesthetic appeal. No longer mere utilitarian features, decorative grates have evolved to become statement pieces in outdoor spaces enhancing overall visual alure whilst managing water flow.

Landscape designers are integrating intricate designs and materials into their projects showcasing how decorative grates can elevate gardens, patios, walkways adding a touch of artistry to functional drainage solutions.

Recycled/Reclaimed Materials

Sustainability remains a strong focus with more homeowners and designers choosing recycled and reclaimed materials for landscaping projects. This includes reclaimed wood, recycled plastic and repurposed metal which adds character to any outdoor space

Image from Good Fronds: Recycled Ocean Plastic Outdoor Furniture For Your Garden

Image from Hello Norden: DIY Reclaimed Wood Rustic Modern Outdoor Couch

Image from Beachwood

Smart Garden Technology: The Digital Green Thumb

As technology continues to advance, integrating smart garden technology is a growing trend. Automated irrigation systems, weather sensors & smartphone controlled lighting are becoming common. These technologies help manage your garden more efficiently whilst conserving resources.

Automated irrigation systems ensure plants receive the right amount of water at the right times reducing water waste and preventing overwatering. Weather sensors adjust your irrigation schedule based on real time weather conditions, further saving resources. Embracing smart garden technology not only ensures your garden management is more efficient but also brings a touch of modernity to your landscape design.

Multi Functional Furniture: Adaptable Alfresco Living

Maximizing the use of outdoor space means incorporating furniture that serves multiple purposes. In 2024, multi-functional furniture is a key trend. Examples include benches with built in storage, coffee tables that convert into dining tables and modular seating arrangements to adapt to different occasions. It practical & space saving that adds versatility to your outdoor space.