I WAS chatting with Brisbane architect Shaun Lockyer recently.
Shaun was our architect when we renovated.
We were so happy with the job he did and the whole process was quite enjoyable.
I asked him whether he stayed close with all of his past clients.
He said that as clients we gave him the brief, he presented the plan (which we loved) and then we handed the process over.
He said when the clients who chose him trusted him to deliver the outcome, it always ended that way.
It sparked a thought bomb in my head about some recent failed sales campaigns.
These were for clients who had appointed us to sell, yet not taken any of the recommendations and then didn’t get the strong interest in their property.
Pushing aside the quality of the agent and focusing on the campaign, in residential real estate there are only a few basics that seem to work more often than not.
The first is that the property is furnished and well presented.
The second is that it is well marketed in a cross section of media.
The third is ease of access for inspections – this is why open houses are so effective.
If you’re not prepared to do those three things at the highest level you can, then you are asking your agent to sell your property with at least one arm tied behind their back.
At some point we all need the opinion and recommendation of a professional.
We can either accept the recommendation or get a second opinion.
But once the decision is made to choose someone, then not going with their recommendation and then being unhappy with the outcome seems illogical.